About Us
About EV Plugin Charge
EVPC Pvt. Ltd. The team has started an unswerving foundation named "www.evplugincharge.com" & stepped into the world of Electronic Vehicle Charging Point. Wherever you are, you will get the solution for your vehicle. We provide simplified solutions for EV Owners and at the same time, we also provide the facility to the EV Vendor to list down their business and increase sales growth free of cost.
We also provide you the facility to promote your business and feature your business at the lowest cost possible. We have been established on 10/03/2014 by the mastermind Mr. Amit Khosla.
Not only do we provide EV Charging at our charging point but also at various EV Stations, restaurants, Fuel stations, CNG stations, Shopping Malls, Hotels, Multi-Level Parking, Highway hotels, Market shops, Parking, Highway restaurants, and many more. The Important thing is that we provide an EV Charging facility for both AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current), so no need to worry about your vehicle's current flow structure. We have been successfully catering to the needs of our clients in metro cities like Delhi and Bangalore.